
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

– I like it when he remembers me, only to find out that his girl is busy.
– I like it when he tells me he loves me, only to find out he doesn’t have anybody to text.
– I like it when he treats me extra special, only to find out that he and his girl had a fight.
– I like it when he spends time with me, only because his girl couldn’t find time for him.

I don’t take pleasure on hurting his girlfriend’s feelings ‘coz i know in the end of the day,
it’s still her, and not me.

And then I hear this advice ringing in the back of my head..

“Never borrow someone else’s man. If he cheated with you, he’ll cheat on you.”


that I have a hard time not getting attached =( In relationships, to my patients, etc…and while sometimes it is wonderful it can also make things that much more difficult…

As many of you know, Hurricane Ike tore across the coast of Texas in the early morning of September 12th. Fortunately, I was already home in Dallas; us second years had a scheduled fall break at this time, and so a couple of the girls and I decided to go to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. We were originally planning on staying the entire week there, but by some lucky twist of fate, we decided instead to come back on Wednesday and then drive back to our respective families’ homes. We had heard about Hurricane Ike coming in, but after Hurricane Edouard and Gustav, we kinda blew it off. Uhh…mistake.

All of Galveston is devastated. I’ve read that our apartment complex has up to 4 ft of water on the first floor. At least it didn’t collapse, which some apartments on our street have. There’s apparently a lot of looting going on (I’m hoping that my laptop is still there…it has all my notes on it!!) and the earliest that they’ll let anyone in in Tuesday. It’s gotten so bad that they are now enforcing a curfew of 8 pm to 6 am. There has been no word yet on when school will start back up for us. 40% of Galveston’s population decided to stay in Galveston, and now there is no electricity, running water, or gas. The first floors of the Marvin Graves building and Levin Hall have been flooded as well. I have a huge amount of respect for the staff who stayed behind to stay with some of our patients…that takes a huge amount of dedication. They’ve been trying as hard as they can to try to restore things back to normal. I’ve been keeping up with their progress at UTMB alert. It frustrates me because I wish I could go back to help as well..but as a medical student, I’m more of a liability than of any use. -_- I was reading a forum on a news website, and a lot of people are getting really worked up about FEMA and how they’re handling the disaster. It’s becoming wayy too political now.

Pictures from the damage can be seen at the following websites:

Yahoo News
BBC News
The Statesman

It’s been unreal seeing pictures of places that I’m familiar with destroyed and battered like this. I count myself lucky to be here safe and sound, and continue to applaud the efforts of all the rescue team workers in Galveston, Houston, and other areas affected by Hurricane Ike.

Please, if you would like to help out, consider donating to the UTMB Hurricane Relief Fund.

…to a new school year! It’s been really hectic, what with moving and unpacking and (in my case) assembling new furniture. I haven’t even really had a chance to study, so I’m totally lost in CVP right now. I’m like,”…Stroke volume?? Durr…”

The 4th of July holiday weekend was spent back at home, where I got spoiled like no other. My daddy bought me a new camera! So I can finally get rid of my old bulky Kodak that’s like 4 years old.

So yay! I have a new plaything! 🙂 That means that you can look forward to lots more pictures on here, har har har. I also ate like there was no tomorrow.

I needed a dresser and nightstand for my room so my Mom and I went to Ikea to buy one, since we didn’t want to spend a lot of money. We figured that the quality of the stuff at Ikea would be better than something that you could get at Wal-Mart of Target, right? WRONG. Geez, first of all that stuff was sooo heavy. Then the instructions were unclear (due to the presence of only pictures and no words, and NO labeling whatsoever of the different parts), so it took me literally 5 hours to assemble my dresser. Nothing fit together very well and I got blisters all over my hands from trying to tighten screws into holes that were too small. And then, to top it all off, when I was trying to move my dresser up against the wall, one of the panels (I guess I was kneeing it a bit too hard) broke! So…the point of the story is to never. ever. buy. from. IKEA!

This year already feels like it’s going to be hard because we have like 4 different schedules to keep up with, so it’s pretty crazy. I already missed my Medical Decision Making orientation that was scheduled for Monday at 8. Who schedules something like that at 8 on a Monday after a long weekend with no sort of reminder whatsoever? It’s going to count as an unexcused absence, but I think I still have to make it up, so I’m going to the session tomorrow. Honestly, you can’t make it through this year without having a daily planner because there’s just so many things going on at different times. So now that I’m mostly unpacked, I have to start studying..I can’t procrastinate and put it off any longer! 😛

I think my hair is at that awkward stage right now, where it’s not really short but hasn’t reached shoulder length…it’s annoying. I can’t do anything with it. And plus, long hair keeps your neck warm when the weather’s crazy like it is now.

So NHB has started and there’s so much hype around this class. Second years have told me that it’s really intense, but enjoyable. It’s definitely organized differently than all our classes in the past. I’m just still struggling with figuring out how to study for these tests-it’s just so different from tests that I’ve taken in undergrad. It’s not just regurgitating facts anymore-it’s sit there and figure things out, which I’m too impatient for. Maybe I should stop leaving tests after only an hour and a half..

Polar bear twin cubs are seen in their enclosure at Vienna’s Schoenbrunn zoo March 4, 2008. The male cubs were born on November 30, 2007, and left their cave for the first time today.

They’re so cute. 🙂 But don’t eat polar bear meat if you don’t want to get trichinellosis.

I found this video because I’m a huge BB fan…but you don’t have to be a fan to enjoy the humor.


New school semester:

At the first week:

At the second week:

Before the mid-term test:

During the mid-term test:

After the mid-term test:

Before the final exam:

Once know the final exam schedule:

7 days before final exam:

6 days before final exam:

5 days before final exam:

4 days before final exam:

3 days before final exam:

2 days before final exam:

1 day before final exam:

A night before final exam:

1 hour before final exam:

During the final exam:

Once walk out from the exam hall:

After the final exam, during the holiday:

..I’m currently at the stage of ‘Before mid-term’.

Welcome to my new blog! =) It’s been a while since I had one last…and hopefully this time I’ll have more to update on than just teen angst, haha.

I’m so sad…I tried to give blood today, but I got rejected…yet AGAIN. According to the resident, anyone who’s traveled to Asia has to wait 12 months until they can donate blood. Uh…last time I checked, ‘Asia’ is pretty big and ‘Asia’ includes a lot of countries that are not disease-laden. But whatever, I guess it’s good to err on the safe side. What’s funny though is that the nurse who was reviewing my application was like, “Tibet? Where’s that?” It took them forever to try to find information on Tibet (apparently it’s not listed under China, heh), and when I looked it up for them on the map, it was just marked as ‘disputed territory’. So I didn’t get to donate blood, poop. Last time was just ridiculous though, because apparently at that time, I was hypotensive. I honestly don’t think that anyone with a blood pressure of 68/42 would be conscious, but I think that it was because they used a cuff that was too large for my reading. Today my reading was 93/68…still a bit low, and that kinda worries me a bit. 0_0 I should start eating more salt..
